Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Morning Bell...

Middle of the night, well at least for an early-to-bed and early-to-rise person like me, and I can't sleep. As cliche as this sounds, I want to tell you in my best Kanye West voice, "these dreams be keeping me up at night". I won't expose my heart, because out of it flows my spring of life, but know that I have written it on a tablet and made it plain. Another scripture on my brain is, "without vision the people perish". I apologize to anyone that thinks I'm speaking in code; because I am, kinda like Nina-isms as a few of my friends call it. My personality tends to be very random, but when I set my heart and mind like a flint to something, my tunnel vision is impeccable! The ooooonnlllyyy issue I have with being in this mode is that my stomach switches to it as well. When my emotions heighten, one could easily be led to believe my stomach is trying out for the olympics: long jump, high jump, sprints, long distance, hurdles and shot put. At any rate, as I lay in my dark room, no light except for the glow from the windows emitted by the street lights and the bright light of my blackberry, I am thankful for a vision. I am also thankful, in advance, that God will fulfill it. Ohhhhh you thought I lay awake in nervousness? *chuckle*

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