Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Long time no see!!!

I must say that I've not been inspired to document my inspiration. I've not had my soul riveted to the core; at least not enough for me to write. BUT... let me follow that up with, I've not had time this summer to submerge myself in the things that spark the plugs in my very mobile brain. I've not picked up a new book (that's a shame) but it's probably because I swore graduate school killed my love for reading, which by the way I graduated, HEY NOW!!!! Do you know, graduate school haunted me so much, that I had a nightmare last night about a homework assignment?! lol INSANE! I ranted and raved about why it was completely unfair for my professor to give us so much work to do, but of course I did it. Ok, I'm ranting, I say all that to say.... "GUESS WHO'S BIZZACK!!!!"


Nina B.