Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Long time no see!!!
Nina B.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Check the positive:
Let's just be clear, to know me is to understand that I tend to have a pro-black point of view. Not racist, but pro-black; further more I'm very pro-black woman. My idea is that until the black woman is lifted, many other issues will continue to occur. See Stokely Carmichael: "Why are we sent to defend our Motherland but taught not to defend our Mothers?" and another quote on a t-shirt I've had since college that says something to the effect of "Wise is he that understands the complete freedom of a race depends on the freedom of its women." This logic can easily be debated, just know that it's my conclusion after all of the reading I've done, discussions I've had and things I've experienced as an open, educated and well-traveled African American Woman. I've rocked a fade, a fro and corn rows. I protested against the Chief in college and was VERY active in the community (receiving the community service award), something I continue to this day and plan on doing more of. This is me, I embrace change and allow my mentality to expand to encompass many positive and progressive views.
Check the Affirmative:
Many do not know that I come from a family of radicals. On my mother and father's side, my ancestors (who worked hard and paid for their freedom) fought in the civil war to free their family members. Fast forward to my grandmother's family, the Bufords, who were a well respected family in Arkansas. While they were not well-off, the Bufords owned and worked their land, land that my family still owns today, and didn't take crap from anyone (black or white). The stories that surround the violent encounters and opposition they faced for being so independent as Blacks are endless. Fast forward to my uncles that were a part of the Black Panther, or other family members that briefly joined the NOI, not because they didn't know who they were, but because they wanted social change. The church I called home for so many years, was lead by a pastor that marched with Dr. King. I was raised, and am still advised, by parents that voice their opinions in boardrooms, teach in less fortunate communities when they can teach in the more well-to-do suburbs, adopt children to raise them in a safe and loved environment, or as CPD are forced to do desk jobs because they love their job but refuse to be corrupt. This is only a small part of my lineage, but I own it and respect it.
Things I should have said:
I am positive these things do not readily show in my personality upon first encounter. Radical, by definition, is a person that advocates thorough or complete political or social change. While no one in my family sits on the political edge, I was raised by people that push the social envelope. Not just for their family, but for Blacks, their community and humanity as a whole. I will not and can not be anything else. My children will observe, learn, respect and take responsibility for their legacy. No, it is not the 60's, but the -isms do exist: Racism. Classicism. Hylicism. Immoralism. Pessimism. Sexism...and the list goes on. I will teach my children to learn and understand all things, with the intention to embrace what is of positivity and reject that which is negative. They, like me, will practice Agapism: ethics of love! One of my favorite quotes by Youssou N'dour states: People need to see that, far from being an obstacle, the world's diversity of languages and religions and traditions is a great treasure, affording us precious opportunities to recognize ourselves in others. While I hope I didn’t offend anyone, the reality is that this is ME.
THIS IS MY LINEAGE. I respect you and yours; so I ask the same in
Stay mentally and spiritually open, embrace change and stay read up!
Nina B.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I like the old Bilal, but I love artists that are bold enough to be themselves and test the evolution of their craft. Not sure if you've been following his collabs, but he's been doing a lot lately. Much respect!
Daedelus - Overwhelmed (feat. Bilal): "Daedelus - Overwhelmed (feat. Bilal)"
**taken from http://putmeonit.blogspot.com/**
Monday, March 28, 2011
Family Funnies....
Mom: I think you have a healthy, exciting and fun-filled life! You're not out running the streets!
Baby Bro: Yeaaaaa like a hobo!
Mom: I'm so happy he put "bo" at the end of that!
(LOL!!!! This is what I deal with! I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world!)
Freezing Rain
**words by Nina B.**
Friday, March 11, 2011
Nina B.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011

This summer Lucid Life Works goes “Green” and partners with Eden Place Nature Center to increase youth awareness of the arts and wildlife conservation. Students explore the arts by reading and discussing several poems, photos, paintings and projects inspired by nature. Our Vision for the summer is for students to learn ways in which artists can approach creative use of natural landscaping to support their gifts and in turn promote conservation and raise awareness amongst community members about the environment.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Mood- Retrospective & Prospective
Oldie but Goodie
I never knew a love.. love.. a love like this.
It's sorta like the love that's played in tennis
limitless, when intimate friends express it
I talked to the most, & I know he blessed it.
The cadence of destiny, patience, & ecstacy
we can be fresh on the.. cover of ebony,
but this is somethin' special we ain't tryna exploit
with a couple a actresses, now I'm in the tabloids.
like bad boyz, real love moves in silence.
They ride up in this, family business stay private.
Don't sweat the small stuff girl, cause we both giants
I looked into your eye's, & I see divine vibrance.
The way they prince many women's, only miss describe ya
a beautiful package, what's even better is inside it.
alive with the feelin's that I'm feelin' with you,
forever became real, but even realer with you...
It's love, it's love,
every time I think about your smile
anytime I need you by my side, you were there for me
cause you are the light that shines,
& I want the world to see
that you are the light that shines, you are my life.
It's important we communicate,
& watch this relationship illuminate the world
black pearl in you, is a lover & friend,
picture how your name will sound
with the last name Lynn.
Put a prayer in the air, that it never all end,
& if so, when we come back it'll be better again.
I will be by your side, through the smile & laughs,
the child we have, even when the clouds is bad,
I know your heart had been broken by a love that pass,
& when your not lookin, that's when love can grab.
Sometimes we gotta ask are we movin' too fast?
Ain't no limit to a love that's given from above.
Mean fish, collard greens, corn bread, you be rockin it
Similar values, tho in many ways we opposite.
Attracted to your uh.. & the way that you be poppin it
Brighten my life reminded me to stay positive..
It's kinda fresh you listen to more than hip hop,
Pop, rock, & greenday, respectin' what the king say
for me to give a ring, hey.. only a queen may.
Invites to loved ones imagine a dream day.
Walkin' down the aisles sayin' vows us eternal.
Til thus do us.. for now we stay fertile.
Chicka uh.. chicka uh.. chicka-chicka-chi uhh..
let's keep creatin' baby, what we makin' is LOVE.
Love is like a melody, look into her eye's & see,
A night that shines as bright as day,
All my troubles drift away,
The light.. the light..(the light)
look into her eye's & see,
The light.. the light.. the light....
Friday, February 25, 2011
J*Davey's New Mistape
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
AutumnC.Son Productions

Two of the most beautiful spirits I know started a Production company two years ago and are forging their way on a Christ led path! I'm blessed and honored that they occasionally feature me as a guest blogger.
Check out their blog at AutumnC.Son!
Continued blessings ladies!
You can see my specific blogs at:
Claude McKay- Poet and Be Like Clay
Nina B.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
This is how I once felt, but I gave up dating artists... I still believe in art and it's timelessness.
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

I believe everyone's journey was laid and paved for them before they were conceived, it's just up to us to be willing to take on the armor and often times tenacious, undefeated, spirit to walk it. With that being said, I wouldn't want to switch lives with an actual person. I love my life and I love my journey. I would, however, switch lives with this "figurative" person. She's a God fearing mother, wife and community leader. And although she enjoys shopping, her worth isn't and never was determined by material gain, but instead by her ability to give back. She loves to laugh, cook, thrift shop, sew, garden, discover new things, travel, paint and dance. She supports her children and husband in all things, with the deep understanding that prayer changes EVERYTHING. She is a woman of virtue, but not necessarily perfect-- who's spirit shines and tells a glorious story. A story filled with scars, attitudes, annoyances, mending, healing, growing, loving, joys, pains, climbing, building, pulling, pushing, kneeling (TONS OF PRAYING), hugs, jungle gyms, Parent Teacher Conferences, protests, town hall meetings, volunteering, family videos, pictures, loyalty, truths, courage, leaps, fulfilled dreams, peace, consciousness, righteousness, kisses, letters, , lies (helped her grow), LOVE (kept her stable/sane), emails, texts, comfy sweaters, colorful scarves, thrift clutches/jewelry, bbms, great sex (yea I said it), music (loads and loads of it), a book collection that's out of this world, toooooonns of vinyl, concerts, picnics, late nights slow dancing in a warm room with her husband, late night fun dancing in the kitchen with her children, tutoring, fun, silliness, traveling, a successful career, a small business, a few luxurious things and oppositely tattered flip flops and old Ts.
This woman is the woman my current me is reaching out to be...plus more. Wish me the best on this journey! I see her more and more everyday!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I'm so sorry! 28 days of truths
Day 12- Something about which people seem to compliment you.
With the utmost humility, I'll boldly venture to say I'm always complimented on my kind heart. I did not say PERFECT heart, she's still growing and being molded by the Most High, but I try to just be a sweetheart. I remember going to a Jill Scott concert a few years back and feeling her beautiful and comforting ambiance vibrate throughout the building. I decided then, "THAT is the vibe I want to give! THIS is how I want people to feel after their encounter with me!" I can't promise that my heart shows all the time, I can be a complete b*tch (especially when crossed). But I try.
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
I don't like liars. I don't like cowards either, generally cowards are liars because they fear something so much that they'll lie to prevent that SOMETHING. I won't dare say that I wish I never met you, but I do wish you were honest about your positioning. Much of that small debacle could have easily been avoided and we probably could have been the best of friends. Forgiven, but not forgotten. I can't promise that this beautiful heart of mine will shine through the minor disdain if we were to ever speak again-- Jaded. I must admit, I learned a valuable lesson. But who knows, karma is patient, she probably waited for me to be vulnerable before pouncing. You apologized, but often times "sorry" is just that... "sorry" and nothing deeper. Everything was vague, but I think you knew the ending from day one. This is where the disdain arises, I was not given the CHOICE to move forward for that small amount of time or run because you were not honest. But who am I kidding, L.Hill said it best, "Everyday people, they lie to God too. So what makes you think that they won't lie to you?" Furthermore, people lie to themselves ALL THE TIME! I was caught up in your personal lie, personal quest to run from what you knew to be true and possibly hoped I would be an answer in the opposite direction. I wish you well. Live in Truth. Not necessarily for your sake, but for the sake of those around you.
Day 14- Something you're looking forward to this year
Remember those muses and projects I said I was working on? Good old 27 came bearing gifts of blessings, continued friendships, life and mayyyyybeeee LOVE! umhmmmmm that's the word I used. It's "like" right now, but I must admit that I've never experienced this type of balance before. It's always pushing, pulling, back breaking lifting and knee bruising kneeling. Today, I walk upright and with a cool lil' pep in my step. Nothing redundant; all things new. Well that's a lie because this "like" is a blast from the past (SHOUT OUT TO SUMMER OF 2003 lol)! ! This year is a blossoming year. As a person that has her green thumb tucked away in a back pocket, I know that's what everyone looks forward to. BLOOMING & REAPING =) Sow on sister...Sow on!
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
I don't have it with me! I'll revisit this tomorrow.
Day 16- Views on religion or politics
First and foremost, Jesus is my Lord and Savior! Anything after that can be summed up in one of my favorite quotes.
"People need to see that, far from being an obstacle, the world's diversity of languages and religions and traditions is a great treasure, affording us precious opportunities to recognize ourselves in others."
- Youssou N'dour
Friday, February 11, 2011
Day 11- Discuss a spontaneous moment in your life that that turned out to be fantastic

HOUSTON BABY!!!! lol I was born and raised in Chicago, but I absolutely have to give major props to the city of Houston, TX. January of 2008 I decided I needed to leave Chicago, interviewed by February and was basking in Texas sun by March. So many doors easily opened for me, divine order DEFINITELY! lol I actually know the Texas song! I met wonderful friends that I will know the rest of my life. Did the most adventurous things like dance in water fountains; wake up the next morning with dirty feet and wet hair, completely confused about what happened! lol Beyond that, I grew up and into my womanhood a bit more. Such a beautiful thing!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
New Video:: Erykah Badu “Gone Baby, Don’t Be Long”
New Video:: Erykah Badu “Gone Baby, Don’t Be Long”
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
If I am Sad I will listen to gospel (Fred Hammond gets the job done) or Billie Holiday if I want to wallow in my sadness, but that's rare! Bored, ohhhhhh eeeeeeh, this is a rarity! I dont have time to be bored. After being an only child for so long, I've figured out ways to occupy my time. Hyped! Well, if I'm going to the club, then I must embarassingly admit that I will listen to any of the artists out now (Nikki Minaj, Beyonce, Weezy F. Baby, Wiz Khalif, etc.) But if I'm preparing for an interview, I might throw in Jay-Z, Lupe or Kanye to fix my ambiance. If It's summer and I'm just out and about, I might do Mos Def, Bob Marley, old house music, MGMT, J*Davey or any other random thing that will make me "feel good". Mad is a rarity as well, so I wont even answer that.
Keep in mind that these are things I purposely go to, but I'm always open to listen to anything in between.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 09- Someone you met randomly that's made an impact on your life
Since my encounter with her, I've grown to become this person that lets people go through their process, the only thing I generally ask for is honesty. If this is who you are and how you operate, I respect your process; just be honest about it. Not sure how, but being this way has made many situations less stressful and my biological Dad and I are much closer. I think I'll try to find my old cellphone and give this minister a call. **scribbles on to-do list**
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Day 08- Your vocation (why are you here on earth)
Monday, February 7, 2011
Have Faith In Self
By going to that royal fount of truth,
And searching for the secret of the few
Whose goal in life and aim is joy forsooth.
I found at last the friend and counsellor
That taught me all that I in life should know;
It is the soul, the sovereign chancellor,
The guide and keeper of the good you sow.
I am advised-"Go ye, have faith in self,
And seek once more the guide that lives in you"
Much better than the world of sordid pelf,
Alas! I found the counsel to be true.
Aha! I know right now that I shall see
The good in life, and be a better man;
I will by thought and deed pull all to me,
In saving others, yea, every one.
Go down and search yourself awhile in part,
And tell me all of what vou see and hear;
Isn't there something pulling at your heart?
Tell me the truth and have ye then no fear!
There is a voice that speaks to man, within,
It is the Soul that longs for you to know
There is no need for you to grope in sin,
For you in truth and light may ever grow.
-Marcus Garvey
-I'm in a very existentialist mood right now...when school is done and this thesis is a thing of the past, I need to re-read "Being and Nothingness"
28 Days of Truth (5, 6 and 7)
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been
San Juan was my early Birthday present to myself! It's well known that I will pack a bag; catch a flight and/or drive by myself for an adventure. I went to visit a close friend of mine and had an awesome time!

Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
CHEER BEAR! I watched Care Bears EVERY Saturday morning (hair not combed, rocking a Care Bear T-shirt and smashin' a hugantic bowl of cereal). My favorite hero was Cheer Bear. Not the typical hero, right? Well, according to Wikipedia: "Cheer Bear is a very happy and perky bear, who helps everyone be their happiest and cheer up those who are unhappy." Sounds like the perfect hero to me!
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
I don't think my mother would approve if I posted a picture of her, but she has the biggest impact on me. My mother forged through single motherhood with me and did a pretty awesome job! Because of her, I understand necessary sacrifices and I believe that confident humility will get you far in life. She's the epitome of juggling a career that gives back to the community, non-hovering but still supportive motherhood and being a spiritual/awesome/supportive/sexy/beautiful wife! I only pray that I can be as great as her some day!
Friday, February 4, 2011
28 Days of Truth- Day 4 (A habit that you wish you didn’t have)

This is so funny! I ironically just read a tweet from Ms. Badu, see above, and thought about my habit of being impatient. I've always been the child that would never sit down, never shut up and continuously wanted to be in two places at the same time. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've said, "If only I had an identical twin! I wouldn't have this problem!" My mother fondly says, "You're like the new born bird in the nest that's always trying to fly without it's wings! Wait for the wings Nina!"
Just like the patient individuals, I've seen things come and go because of my ways. I've seen things come because I jumped on the ball and I have also seen things slide through my fingers because I tried too hard or jumped too soon. Like a friend told me, "If people don't know or understand you, they may think your forward personality is too much. But rest assured that anything meant to be will stick!"
It's a beautiful thing to know your worth. While there have been plenty of times I thought I should have just sat down and chilled, I still value my energetic and forward personality. Double-edged sword-ish right? lol
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Day 03- A book you've read that changed your views on something

I will venture to say that in every phase of my life I've encountered a book (fiction and/or non-fiction) that changed my views on something. I remember my aunt giving me Sistah Souljah's first book, "No Disrespect" and thinking to myself after reading it, "there's no way I should be reading this book!" lol... needless to say I knew TOO MUCH for my own good anyway and that book didn't help the cause. Not that it changed my views, it was just a funny story I wanted to share *shruggage*
In all honesty, the novel that changed my views on religion and life was William P. Young's "The Shack". I moved to Houston in '08 and worked diligently on my career, my relationship with myself and my relationship with God. I felt, that for so long, I was concerned with other people and in turn neglected things that mattered! The truth, to me, is that one's intrapersonal communication and communication with God directly influences how he or she relates to outsiders (which is called interpersonal communication)! Hate yourself? You'll surely hate others! Hate God? You'll surely hate others! SIMPLE! ('hate' is interchangeable. Try 'love')
Anyway, while working with the Rockets and Texans I happened upon two very spiritual individuals. One was a minister that just needed something to do when she wasn't occupied and the other was a guy that volunteered heavily with his church. One day while discussing "life" with the minister she raved on and on about this novel and of course was beyond delighted to bring it to me the next day. I happened to be reading it while at work when the gentleman I worked with stopped in delight saying he handed it out in his Christian summer camp. We chatted for hours about the novel! I can not begin to explain how awesome it is! I alternately laughed, cried and shrieked in horror while shuffling through each chapter.
I don't want to give the novel away entirely, but I will say this: growing up in the C.M.E. church I was taught heavily about God's wrath and never enough about his grace. Reading this novel made me feel less guilty about believing in all paths to heaven. I was never a fan of facets or denominations, especially since in HS I had great friends that practiced the Muslim and Buddhist faith. I learned quickly that there was "bad" in every race/religion, those two friends NEVER steered me wrong or crossed me, I can't say the same about my Christian friends. God loves us all, this I knew, but something about that novel gave me a refreshing outlook. I promised myself I would read it once a year, needless to say I've read it twice and am due for another read! **scribbles on to-do list**
I hope that explanation was sufficient!
Peace & Blessings...
Nina B.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
28 Days of truths (Day 1 & 2)

I have completely neglected my blog, at least in the sense that my purpose of creating it was to display my writing. I've not felt inspired to write lately, but maybe the 28 days of truths will put me back in the swing of things. Day 1 & Day 2 are combined in this post! HAPPY READING!
Day 1: Recent Picture and 15 facts about yourself
Wow, 15 facts! That's a bit much to handle. I'm not all that INTERESTING and I don't take myself seriously, so here we go.
1. My birthmark really isn't my birthmark. I think the mark under my eye was probably an allergic reaction to a shot I got when I was about two years old.
2. I don't take myself seriously.
3. My birthday is on Valentine's Day, and I've been in love with the idea of LOVE since birth!
4. I can be pretty blunt, but that's generally on accident; we can attribute that to #2.
5. I love trying new things.
6. It's rare that I judge people; and if I do, more than likely I've already told them how I feel.
7. I ate plants when I was a kid. Don't judge me!
8. I have a green-thumb. I sincerely can not wait for the day I own a house with a huge backyard! All Tulips Everything!
9. While this may not be obvious to some, if I'm in your corner, there's no limit to what I will do for you! Even if you upset me, I'll still do anything for you.
10. God first, family, friends (in that order) are the most important things to me.
11. I can't raise my right thumb entirely.
12. I've had more injuries than most men out there. Broken ankle, busted head (twice), and stitches for days!
13. I love football!
14. Did I say I don't take myself seriously? Oh, I did...? Well, how about the next one.
15. I don't take other people seriously lol this also leads to #4 and #6.
Day 2: The meaning behind your blog name
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Wordless Prayer
Abruptly he glanced at me and said, "I'll be the first to admit it. There are moments in my solitude when my soul needs to relieve small burdens, but no words come forth. What do you call that? I inquire, 'Does he still hear me?' ...Search my inner depths for the perfect words, I swear I do, because I never want to go to heaven and hear him say, 'Well you didn't ask.' But they never come out...NEVER! I continue through my days... skipping the cracks where I have strength enough to jump. Sometimes I don't discern the cracks' locations and stumble. I'll be the first to admit that too. Situations, ya know... they come, go, begin and end. Did I not pray the right words? I laugh to myself because I know I prayed the right words, I just didn't heed to his guiding. Next time, maybe next time, I will listen. One thing I do listen for is my mission. To feel that feeling that vibrates through my body in a color and a note made for me. So I know what I am doing is RIGHT, JUST and LEGACY worthy. Sometimes I'm not so sure about my prayer for that either. Maybe soon he will show me. Until then, my soul does this word less prayer. Meaningful, but word less...have you ever had one of those? You know, when your soul says it all, but no words come forth. What do you call that?"
I shrug, slightly confused and lovingly intrigued by this rhetorical conversation gifted me.
He replied, "You don't know?"
Stared blankly in my direction, almond eyes wide, and softly mumbled, "Me either."
His head dropped in humble understanding as he continued his sketch.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My dad had this up as a profile picture on facebook...it's something I saw constantly growing up! The warm feeling I got after having this memory rekindled in my mind made me smile!!!!! Rev. Dr. Jesse L. Douglas, marching to the left (your viewing right) of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is the CME preacher I was raised on and that baptized me! HISTORY CAN NOT BE BOUGHT! THANK GOD for a LUCID vision!!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I'm a giver; not a taker...
"Then Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave of their wealth, but she, out of her poverty, put in everything--all that she had to live in" -NIV Mark 12:41-44
Moving to Houston changed me forever. Immediately I understood what Southern Hospitality was, outside of what I learned from my immediate family's hospitable ways, and was given plenty of opportunities to show hospitality to others. During a hurricane I was housed by a then stranger's family; the young lady is now one of my closest friends. I housed a then acquaintance, who is now one of my close friends as well. FRANKLY, the only reason I was able to move to
I often inquire of myself, "Why do you give continuously, knowing that it may not be given in return?" The reality is that I enjoy being friendly and sweet. This is not to say that I don't have a malicious side; that "Darlene" is a doozy! But I quickly learned that the tighter I hold onto things, the harder they are to maintain. Everything I give with an open heart comes back to me tenfold. I'm still learning, but as I get better, my heart gets lighter! I've become grateful, not necessarily for the ability to give, but for the joyful heart I've developed as a result of giving.
Peace & Blessings,
Nina B.
Monday, January 10, 2011
When Art Imitates Life

In my past life, I was a painter! Definitely a hobby I enjoyed as a child (shout out to my aunt that kept me with canvases, brushes and acrylic paint). I hope to have a mural painted on the wall of my first home, possibly in what I would like to be a "music/reading room" with a record player and a huge library of books and records! But to the topic at hand, when I stumbled upon the art series sponsored by Okayplayer, I was kinda interested in seeing what it was about. Musical visionaries creating and selling limited art... interesting! Black Thought just signed on, can't wait to see what that looks like. Check it out: When Art Imitates Life
Ode to February... 28 Days of Truths
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03- A book you've read that changed your views on something
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Your vocation (why are you here on earth)
Day 09- Someone you met randomly that's made an impact on your life
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Discuss a spontaneous moment in your life that that turned out to be fantastic
Day 12- Something about which people seem to compliment you
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- Something you're looking forward to this year
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Views on religion or politics
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- A band/musical artist whose music impacted your life
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 28- In this past month, what have you learned
Friday, January 7, 2011

- Don't knock the open crown, third eye, heart and navel though! I'm assertive, sensual, intuitive and compassionate! True, True, True aaaaannnnd True!
- I'm sitting here wondering what life would have been like if I kept my fro lol...
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Beyond This Moment

*expressions by Nina B.*
Roy Hargrove