I have completely neglected my blog, at least in the sense that my purpose of creating it was to display my writing. I've not felt inspired to write lately, but maybe the 28 days of truths will put me back in the swing of things. Day 1 & Day 2 are combined in this post! HAPPY READING!
Day 1: Recent Picture and 15 facts about yourself
Wow, 15 facts! That's a bit much to handle. I'm not all that INTERESTING and I don't take myself seriously, so here we go.
1. My birthmark really isn't my birthmark. I think the mark under my eye was probably an allergic reaction to a shot I got when I was about two years old.
2. I don't take myself seriously.
3. My birthday is on Valentine's Day, and I've been in love with the idea of LOVE since birth!
4. I can be pretty blunt, but that's generally on accident; we can attribute that to #2.
5. I love trying new things.
6. It's rare that I judge people; and if I do, more than likely I've already told them how I feel.
7. I ate plants when I was a kid. Don't judge me!
8. I have a green-thumb. I sincerely can not wait for the day I own a house with a huge backyard! All Tulips Everything!
9. While this may not be obvious to some, if I'm in your corner, there's no limit to what I will do for you! Even if you upset me, I'll still do anything for you.
10. God first, family, friends (in that order) are the most important things to me.
11. I can't raise my right thumb entirely.
12. I've had more injuries than most men out there. Broken ankle, busted head (twice), and stitches for days!
13. I love football!
14. Did I say I don't take myself seriously? Oh, I did...? Well, how about the next one.
15. I don't take other people seriously lol this also leads to #4 and #6.
Day 2: The meaning behind your blog name
I scribbled in my notepad one day, "If the Earth turns on an axis-- imaginary... then I believe we all have an “Axis”. Not to be touched, only to be understood. Kinda like an invisible backbone; this undeniable thing that no one can break, some folks simply will not be able to see, and others will not believe. Regardless of others, it’s up to us to push forward and evolve whenever necessary to make sure we continue to revolve around it."
For the past three years, and still today, I make an honest attempt to recognize who I am in the body of Christ, who I am to myself, who I am to my friends/family and what role I play in society. What is my theme? I am a giver, and LOVE is my Axis. I will not say that I'm always this sweet innocent woman, but I sincerely enjoy being this Valentine's Day Love Bug =) Even when I know the feelings I give won't be reciprocated, I give them anyway. It is imperative that everyone finds their "AXIS" and forge through all barriers to let the world see it in all of its glory!
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