At one point in time I meditated every morning! Woke up at 5am, went jogging to catch the sunrise and then came home

to read my bible and meditate. I'm a Christian, Jesus is my Lord and savior, but meditating helped me go to another level within my religion and within myself. I've been feeling off balance lately, took a Chakra test and you can see my results to the left. I'm pretty centered, but I talk too much, can easily feel nervous and I can be attached/overemotional. Well well well... ain't that about nothing! "Talking too much" I've dealt with all my life! The nervous issue does a JOB on my stomach, it twists and turns like nobody's business lol! I must say, however, that when I meditated I was the most calm thing walking! Rent could be late?! CALM! Paying for three flat tires in a month on top of rent?! CALM! Hurricane in Houston!? CALM! Death in the family!? CALM! Fall out with the boo?! **major shruggage** lol It was like nothing could get to me. Needless to say, I'll be setting my alarm clock at 5am starting next week! It's all about balance! More set-aside time for prayer and meditation does wonders for the soul!
- Don't knock the open crown, third eye, heart and navel though! I'm assertive, sensual, intuitive and compassionate! True, True, True aaaaannnnd True!
- I'm sitting here wondering what life would have been like if I kept my fro lol...
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