That picture of us, black and white in color, but filled with the vivacious auras of joy, laughter and love. I see them clearly. I think I see flickers of hope sprinkled sparingly throughout, but I realize now it wasn't saturated enough to keep it going. Yep, that picture, the one you always wanted copies of; I use it as a bookmark now. Not sure of the significance. I decided it was a wise, unselfish and loving decision to let you go, but I'm not sure why I haven't locked that picture away in my trunk filled with past treasures. I know fully that I can not ask God to release the treasures he's stored up for me, while holding on selfishly to someone else's.
Back to the subject at hand: the bookmark. The wanderlust in me will forever be a bag lady for books: three in the purse, two in the trunk of my car, and that's just what I can recall right now. Flipped through the pages of one, on to the second and cracked open the third, only to see that thread of pictures. I scan each one like it's anew. I've always liked how picture booths can do that, innocently capture fleeting moments, feelings, and emotions that would otherwise go unnoticed. Anyway, in spite of my renewed awe, I decide that I need to purchase a new bookmark today.
*expressions by Nina B.*
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