Last night I had a dream that my teeth were falling out. Nothing abnormal about that for me, at one point I was having them often, but this one was different. Normally when my teeth are falling out in dream land it's from something violent, like falling down the stairs. After I fall, my teeth shatter and I wake up. The End! Fin! But not last night...
This dream was different in that throughout the dream I was fully aware of my teeth falling out. I would run my tongue across them in expectancy because they were so loose and bloody. All the while, I was going through my dream doing normal true-to-life activities. Shopping with my family, meeting up with friends and being quite the social butterfly.
Did my teeth ever fall out you ask? Yes, they did... I went to the bathroom while shopping and saw them fall out then slide around in the porcelain sink. I didn't wake up immediately; on the contrary, I continued to dream and new teeth grew back brighter than ever!!!! Ta-daaaa!!! It's like Houdini came and decided that this time, this one particular time, my experience would be pleasant. I would have been excited if they grew back diamond studded! I'm beaminnggggg snitchessss! lol <-----sarcasm!
At any rate, I always thought teeth falling out in dreams was tied to vanity until someone told me it meant I was holding back a secret. Well, if the latter is the case, I know exactly what it's about. To prevent myself from having this dream again, I'm going to type a letter for someone and instead of sending it to them, I'll send it to myself! BOOM! Problem solved! I'm keeping this secret; I refuse to let it spread like a virus, so hopefully reading my thoughts will end this stupid thought process! Wish me luck!
Nina B.
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