He enjoyed her heartbeat, it’s bright light shining through all the muck. His or hers? Doesn’t matter... just know that there was muck. The rhythm sporadically called for him in the most soothing way; on one hand intriguingly definite, and on the other confusingly beautiful. Both very aware of the past, knowing one can not move forward without it, she lived for the present and he for the future.
Could they meet within the horizon’s loyal embrace? Earthy Non-conforming Traditionalist meets Windy Religious Innovator. Overall theme to reduce dissonance meant either giving up and justifying how one side was more important than the other or welcoming the idea that the earth and sky operate efficiently together. Shift in attitudes. Breakdown of beliefs used as security blankets. New actions that intertwine present and future. The solution? Yep, it lies jusssssttttt within the horizon. That apparent line that no one has ever been able to reach, but together, somehow, they could.
She lived for the present and he for the future, but both knew moving forward was impossible without the other. She adored his eyes, their bright light shining through all the muck. His or hers? Doesn’t matter... just know that there was muck. They danced joyfully in the midst of both trials and in happiness; on one hand intriguingly definite, and on the other confusingly beautiful.
*Expressions by Nina B.
-Wasn't so sure if I should post this one, but what the hell... some things have to be released into the universe.
- The picture is from '08 in Tampa. I got chased by a flock of seagulls for my sammich (yes, i said sammich) and jet-skied alongside dolphins (I cried in horror initially thinking they were sharks)! ahahaha PERFECT DAY! iLIVE for days like that!
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